Hello my name
is Howard!
Cacatua goffiniana

I am a 22+ year old Goffin's Cockatoo that arrived at The Hamilton Aviary in 2002 when my owner could no longer look after me. I may look all white, but I actually have pink feathers on my face and some yellow in my tail! Before The Aviary closed I was the only bird with a direct relative, my daughter Snowball lived down the hall from me.
Swinging on perches and hopping
It takes me a little while to warm up to new people
Fav Foods
Walnuts, Corn & Barley
What I Can Say
Hello & Hi
About Me and Other
Goffin's Cockatoos
Another name for us Goffin's Cockatoos is the Tanimbar corella and we are one of the smallest birds in the cockatoo family. My ancestors lived in Indonesia, but have also been introduced to parts of Puerto Rico, Singapore, and Taiwan. In captivity, if cared for properly, it is estimated that my species can live 30 to 40 years.

Goffin's Cockatoos - like most parrots - are naturally curious. Combined with the dexterity in their feet, beak, and tongue, they make excellent explorers and innovators. We are so smart that we even use tools to access our favourite foods. From bark to twigs, these exotic birds have used different materials to wedge open shells to get what's inside.
Personally I prefer a quiet life and love spending my days outside. Unlike many of my friends at The Aviary, I also enjoyed long, warm showers.​​​​

Since wild Goffin's live in a relatively small area, threats pose a much greater risk to them. Habitat loss combined with continued poaching has caused a decline in their population, leading to the classification of Near Threatened.
Goffin's have also been persecuted as a crop pest and hunted for food in some regions of Indonesia.

What I'm up to Now
I was moved to Bird Kingdom!
When our sanctuary at Oak Knoll Drive closed its doors, several birds migrated over to Bird Kingdom in Niagara Falls, Ontario. After we have completed our 30 day required quarantine period and have been assessed by the BK team, we will be available to be visited by the public again.

O'Hara, M., Mioduszewska, B., Mundry, R., Haryoko, T., Rachmatika, R., Prawiradilaga, D. M., ... & Auersperg, A. M. (2021). Wild Goffin's cockatoos flexibly manufacture and use tool sets. Current Biology, 31 (20), 4512-4520.